Package-level declarations


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expect class AtomicRef<T>
actual class AtomicRef<T>
actual class AtomicRef<T>
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actual data class CallLocation : Comparable<CallLocation>
actual data class CallLocation : Comparable<CallLocation>

Represents the line at which user code called into Selfie.

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class CallStack(val location: CallLocation, val restOfStack: List<CallLocation>)

Represents the callstack above a given CallLocation.

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Tracks whether a given file has a comment which allows it to be written to. Thread-safe on multithreaded platforms.

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Used by com.diffplug.selfie.SelfieSuspend.

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interface DiskStorage

Represents the disk storage for a specific test.

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interface FS
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abstract class LiteralFormat<T : Any>
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class LiteralValue<T : Any>(val expected: T?, val actual: T, val format: LiteralFormat<T>)
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expect class ReentrantLock
actual class ReentrantLock
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interface SnapshotSystem

NOT FOR ENDUSERS. Implemented by Selfie to integrate with various test frameworks.

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class SourceFile(filename: String, content: String, val language: Language)
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class SourcePathCache(functionToCache: (CallLocation) -> TypedPath?, capacity: Int)
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class ToBeFileLazyBytes(val location: TypedPath, val layout: SnapshotFileLayout, data: ByteArray)
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Some kinds of _TODO don't change the argument at all.

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data class TypedPath(val absolutePath: String) : Comparable<TypedPath>

A unix-style path where trailing-slash means it is a folder.

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Handles garbage collection of snapshots within a single test.

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sealed class WriteTracker<K : Comparable<K>, V>

For tracking the writes of disk snapshots literals.


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expect fun <T> atomic(initial: T): AtomicRef<T>

Replace with atomicfu when stable.

actual fun <T> atomic(initial: T): AtomicRef<T>
actual fun <T> atomic(initial: T): AtomicRef<T>
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actual inline fun reentrantLock(): ReentrantLock
actual inline fun reentrantLock(): ReentrantLock
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expect inline fun <T> ReentrantLock.withLock(block: () -> T): T
actual inline fun <T> ReentrantLock.withLock(block: () -> T): T